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Big Break Greenbrier’s Stuart Gold Swing Sequence Photos

Check out photos of Big Break Greenbrier’s Stuart Gold’s Swing Sequence.


As Big Break Greenbriers Stuart Gold addresses the ball, notice he sets up to the ball with just his right hand on the club, he then adds his left hand.


A fundamentally perfect setup. All of his lines are square (or parallel) to his target line.


As Stuart Gold starts his swing, notice how the club is well outside his hands and he already has great extension.


At the top of his swing, Stuart Gold has the club pointed at his target, he is on plane, and he is coiled nicely.


Big Break Greenbriers Stuart Gold has a bit of a steep angle of attack; notice that instead of the shaft of the club dissecting his right forearm, it is just above it.


After making contact with the ball, Stuart Golds right arm and the shaft of his club make a perfect line.


Just as he is on his backswing, and this part of his follow-through he is a bit upright, because it matches on both sides of the swing, he is able to hit the ball straight.


Big Break Greenbriers Stuart Gold has a great finish position, you can see both of his back pockets meaning he completely released his body, and maximized his distance.


Big Break Greenbriers Stuart Gold has a great finish position, you can see both of his back pockets meaning he completely released his body, and maximized his distance.


Stuart Gold sets up to the ball nicely, making a slightly forward facing diagonal line with his left arm and the shaft of his club.


As Stuart Gold takes the club back, notice how much extension he has, and notice how he has started to rotate the toe of the club open.


Midway through his backswing, Stuart Gold has the club in a lovely position.


Big Break Greenbriers Stuart Gold has arrived at the top of his swing, and is just shy of parallel.


As Stuart Gold begins his downswing, notice how his hands have started down, but it seems that the club head has stayed put. You can really see the shaft flexing here.


As Stuart Gold makes contact with the ball, he keeps the club face pointing at his target, and his head behind the ball.


Stuart Gold, at this point in his swing has a bit of a reverse C. This is not entirely bad, because he later gets all the way to his left side.


As Stuart Gold approached the end of his swing he gets his weight to his left side, and gets his right shoulder over his left toe nicely.


Big Break Greenbriers Stuart Gold has a beautiful finish and has completely eliminated any influence of a reverse C by creating a straight line from his right shoulder to his left toe. Textbook!