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Golf’s most ‘colorful’ players

From their apparel to their personalities, here’s a look at the game’s most ‘colorful’ golfers.


Whether Lefty’s lighting up the media center, on 59 watch or missing a cut, it’s always an adventure with Phil - and probably a good sound bite, too.


His pants and his persona are perhaps a little too loud for his britches, but JD has long been one of the sport’s more colorful contenders.


Miguel’s golf may not be loud or in-your-face, but his curly ponytail and cigar are never hard to spot.


Parnevik’s Gangnum-Style dance video reminded us his best moves aren’t reserved solely for the golf course.


Crane may have the reputation for being slow-moving on the course, but his off-course-color shines bright in his slow play and Golf Boys videos.


Between the fist pumps, his brightly-hued clothing line and his always-candid Twitter posts, Poulter brings a levity to the game unmatched by many.


Whether he’s publicly admitting he’ll never win a major or hitting back-handed out of trees, Sergio continually delivers a dose of excitement.


Rickie’s most widely known for his all-orange Sunday garb, but he pays homage to all other bright hues Monday through Saturday.


With her outfits and her personality, Christina brings brightness to whatever room she’s in.


Monty has no qualms with wearing his emotion on his sleeves - good or bad.