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Breed’s Blog - Putting Special


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Putting Tips
-Green Reading: In order to make a putt, you need to be able to judge the correct break and speed of the green, so you need to walk the path of your putt. Feel the slope of the ground beneath your feet. The brain is an incredible organ, and when you walk the path of your putt your brain will help you judge how hard to hit the putt. Also, you need to learn from all of your partners’ putts. Each putt will tell you something about the green. So when you sink your putt, be sure to thank your buddy.

-Grip: To hit good putts, the proper grip is crucial. Place the grip through the lifeline of your hands and the putter shaft should be on the same plane as your forearms. A drill to make sure the grip is in the lifeline is to simply hit putts with your trail hand.

-Stroke: The two main types of putting stroke are straight back & straight through and arc. Try them both and pick the one that is most comfortable for you. During your stroke, you must control the putter face and keep it stable. Specific putters are built for specific strokes.

-Final Thought: Create a routine that you do before every putt. It does not matter what you do, but make sure it is the exact same thing every time. When the pressure moments arise, you will be glad you have a routine to ease the nerves and then you’ll drain the putt.

Next Week’s Show: PGA Championship Special
Live On The Range at Kiawah Island
Monday 8PM ET

-Michael Breed will be live on the range from the site of the PGA Championship to teach you the shots the pros will need at Kiawah Island
-Breed will be joined by a PGA Professional in the field at the PGA Championship
-Breed will answer twitter questions coming in live during the show (join the conversation: #GolfFix)
-Post your questions for next week on Email, Facebook or Twitter