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Study shows public support for proposed anchoring ban


Although the ban on anchored putting strokes proposed by the U.S. Golf Association and the Royal & Ancient last November is not scheduled to take effect until 2016, a leading golf research group recently released a study indicating public support for the rule change.

Taking a random sample from its database of ‘serious golfers,’ research firm Golf Datatech reached out to 1,766 respondents who play an average of 68 rounds per year and carry an average handicap of 14.3. Their findings indicate a majority of players polled are in favor of the proposed ban and don’t believe anchoring offers a discernible advantage:

• 60 percent of respondents believe the governing bodies of golf should ban the anchoring of clubs to the body.

• 45 percent believe that anchoring the putter makes it easier to putt, while 55 percent feel it does not make putting any easier.

• 62 percent believe that the proposed ban will cause some amateur golfers to enjoy the game less.

• Of the respondents who indicated they currently use a long/anchored putter, 31 percent said they would continue to use their current putter/stroke even after the ban takes effect in 2016. An additional 31 percent said they would change to a non-anchoring stroke while retaining their long putter, and 38 percent indicated they would switch to a conventional putter.